Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /mnt/web018/d2/82/51207682/htdocs/armbruster-it/joomla33/templates/stefans_blog_05/functions.php on line 182
Customers often ask, how to make sure, that a particular PL/SQL-code which runs in several sessions at the same time, process the data for the FIFO paradigm. The answer is: no problem at all. Oracle ...
... exactly this was the question of a customer, because he wants to join tables between two Oracle databases. Well, the idea for this solution is based upon the fact, that we can have a foreign key constraint ...
l_tab(l_tab.last) := c1.splitted_element;
end loop;
return l_tab;
And now even comes the icing on the cake: Pipelining Function to makes you feel like real SQL:
funct ...
... all files and programs that are necessary for the plugin are managed together in one place. These are PL/SQL-Programs and/or JavaScript code as well as CSS and image files. This makes it possible to reus ...
... al". This setting controls the order of the Featured Articles as well. So to make sure, that the ordering of the Featured Articles is as you like, you have to switch it to "No Order". (Figure 1)